Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 4 - 5K Training - Day 2!

I have been sidelined by sickness. Not mine, my kids'. I was supposed to run yesterday but I could not get to the gym because my boys were not feeling well. Due to a busy schedule, I could not work out last night. Tonight does not look good either because the kids have their basketball award ceremony tonight. I want them to go if everyone is healthy enough. My poor little 4 1/2 year old (the Prince) had a temperature of 102.7 yesterday. His temperature is better today (100.7) but it is still a temperature so I am not sending him to pre-school. I cannot work out at lunch when DadOf3 is home because I have to run to the church to make copies of the newsletter I write once a month for MOPS.

I re-read this and it all sounds like excuses. Truth be told I am really bummed. I am hoping to get to run on Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Maybe I will try running outside after hearing from Pam that running outside is very invigorating and more challenging than on the treadmill.

I really do not want to have to repeat this week. I am going to set a new goal:

Run Friday night at home and run outside (or treadmill) Saturday afternoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally understand. I hate it when I miss my workouts. It just makes it that much harder to work out the next time, especially running. I'd love to run a 5K. I used to run a lot, but had knee surgery and really shouldn't says the doctor. So, I do step aerobic, kick boxing, and run now and then ... that's probably just as bad. Oh, well! Good luck on your run and thanks for coming over to my little blog. Nice to meet you and look forward to reading more about you and your family.