Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Running On The Street

I am officially in awe of all street runners! I ran my first run outside this afternoon and it officially kicked my butt. I went the distance but I had to walk some.

Things I didn't think about before running that I will think of next week while running outside:
  1. I should have taken a decongestant because my cold from last week is still lingering.
  2. The amount of allergens in the air is staggering. I came home wheezing and coughing like mad.
  3. People smoke outside and that sent me into a coughing fit. This was my first switch to walking. Once I stopped once, it was like I had permission to walk some of it. Mental challenge.
  4. I need a watch with me to give myself running challenges.
Oh well! I got a weekend run in. I will work out running outside all next week.


Da Doo Run Run said...

Keep in mind you are just getting over something. I'm sure that had more to do with it than the switch to running outside! Hope it gets better! Good for you for doing a weekend run!

Aaron Cunningham said...

Fighting a cold will kick your butt. Good on ya for getting out there.

It's your body, walk if you need to, but don't talk yourself into it. :)

Enjoy running outside. It's more fun than the treadmill.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Great blog. I am an urban dweller who is attched to the jogging stroller at all times. I mourn the day my children outgrow it because it means I will no longer be able to throw them in it and RUN to all my errands. My youngest starts preschool in July and I will finally have 3 uninterrupted hours a day to go back to what I loved: running the boardwalk by the river downtown. Good luck with your training.

Pam said...

whoooooo hoooooooo! Good for you for getting outside! Seriously, it will kick your butt - but you will see BIG improvements in your overall fitness and strength. It gives you a huge boost and it doesn't take long to get used to.

Good luck in your upcoming race!