Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Week 3 - 5K Training - Day 1!

Whew! I made it out alive! I looked at Week 3 Day 1 and was a bit scared, but I was able to pull though.

I walked for 5 minutes, (ran for 1.5 minutes/walked for 1.5 minutes, ran for 3 minutes/walked for 3 minutes) for 45 minutes. I also had time for weights!

Afterwards I picked up all three kids (Princess does not have school today) and we headed to the swimming pool. They had a blast even thought the slides were not running. We swam for about an hour and a half and then headed to the locker rooms for showers. When we got home we made blueberry pancakes for lunch. They are all in their rooms hopefully sleeping. They have to be tired. They had a (successful!) 3 kid sleepover last night in the boys room. They were up until after 10:00 though. Oh well, it is a day off.

I had conferences at Princess's school this morning. For more of this go to my other blog.

Happy running! :)


Da Doo Run Run said...

You are woman with your 45 minute workouts! You will breeze through later weeks doing that! Started week 5 today. I'm so scared for running 20 straight minutes by the end of the week. Yikes!

HappyBlogChick said...

Hooray for successfully tackling week 3! Good for you!

I do week 4 day 1 tonight ... "a bit scared" is an accurate description of how I feel, too.