Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 2 - 5K Training - Day 3!

After dropping off my little Prince at pre-school, the Knight and I went to the gym. The last time my little Knight stayed in the childcare area of the gym by himself, they called me back after about 10 minutes. He lasted 45 minutes today! I actually made it through the walk/run and had just started the cool down when they paged me. I didn't get to weights but I am glad to get what I got! They told me that he wasn't crying but he was really, really sad. He would play for a while and then remember that I was not there and get really sad. I am glad they called me. I made a big deal out of the fact that he stayed there for so long and gave him a sucker, his favorite. Next week should be better because I can go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Prince will be with him all three days. I may try to go on Thursday too. That would be 3 workouts in a row. Hmmm. Maybe I'd better check and see what next week holds for me!

Workout: I walked for 5 minutes. I (ran for 1.5 minutes and walked for 2 minutes) repeat for 40 minutes. Today was not as easy as yesterday. I am wondering if it is because I worked out 2 days in a row. Also, I didn't eat breakfast because we were running late. That is a major duh!

1 comment:

HappyBlogChick said...

Congrats on finishing week 2! Isn't it odd how the same workout can be harder one day than another?

I definitely found that with week 3. Week three is a step up, but not impossible at all.

I haven't been in the situation where I've needed to do 2 days in a row. I bet that would make it harder. Hooray for your M/W/F schedule next week.