Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

And we begin again!

Dear Gym,

It's been a while!  And I must say I have missed you.  What happened?  Well, life got in the way once again and I made the mistake of moving my workouts down on my priority list.  Sigh...  Life gets a bit nutso with four little rug rats running around.

I didn't post here, but I actually started off the school year in grand workout fashion - I hit the gym 4 times per week the first three weeks of school.

Then thing started getting busy.  The kids' teachers needed help in class.  Kids got sick.  And in our house when one kid gets sick, four kids get sick.

My routine shifted.

A little weight was gained.

Not a lot but enough that my new clothes are a bit snug.

Things change today! 

I have a new goal: I am going to run a 10K by my birthday (September 22).  This is a big birthday for me.  You know, the kind that ends in a "0".  In honor of my 30s, my plan is to also lose 30 pounds by my birthday.  Having four kids in 7 1/2 years has taken its toll on my body.

To put it simply - I want my body back!

I am not a pack rat, but I do  have some pre-kid clothing.  Yep - I too possess that article of clothing meant to strike fear into the hearts of women everywhere - my own version of the skinny jean.  And I am not talking current fashion.  I am talking my own particular pair of jeans that I wore at my lowest weight.

I plan to zip right past those jeans and buy a new pair in honor of my 40th birthday.

It starts today.

I am hitting the gym today.  My 5 year old has preschool so it will just be my 1 year old in the childcare area.  Today might not be pretty for him.  Or he might like it.  It is hard to say.  The women who work there know my little guy and will do their best to make him happy.  If need be they will call me back.

So I will start off working as hard as I can because I may only have 15-20 minutes.

As soon as we get back into the routine and he recongnizes faces and favorite toys, we will be set.

I'll let you know how today goes.

Next week - I am starting the Couch to 5K again.

I cannot go Monday because I am babysitting a friend's kids.

Tuesday is out for a doctor appointment.

So that leaves Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week.

Goals set.  Time to get busy.

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