Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm back!

Wow! It has been a while since I have posted to this blog. I have been a little busy - we had our forth child on January 1st. He is adorable and a very sweet baby! To see pictures, click here.

While I am not ready to get back into my excercising routine quite yet, I am happy to report some weight loss! While I would not recommend this route to anyone, being diagnosed with gestational diabetes turned out to be a blessing in disguise. When I got the diagnosis, I had only gained two pounds during this pregnancy. I was quite pleased with myself at the time. After my (bleep) first OB scared me half to death listing everything that could possibly go wrong with a baby who has a gestational diabetic mother without giving me any direction for a week and a half, I lost 8 pounds. I didn't end up gaining any of that weight back. I stuck to the diabetic diet, checking my blood sugars regularly, and we had a happy, healthy 7 pound 7 ounce baby boy out of the deal.

Well, according to the pediatrician last Monday, he is healthy now. He had a bit of a rough start, but not because of the gestational diabetes. His white blood cell count was elevated after he was born, so he spent the first week and a day of his life in the NICU. I was thrilled that the hospital let me stay with him. they called it "Nesting" and allowed me to stay in a maternity room while it was not needed. Luckily our baby picked a nice and quiet time of the year to be born. I was able to stay the entire time with him in the hospital.

Well, I got home, jumped on the scale and low and behold, I was down 22pounds from the time I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, my pregnancy high. This Saturday when I hopped on the scale again, I was down three more pounds for a total of 25 pounds down!

My goal from here on out is to keep with the gestational diabetes diet and lose as much weight as I can before April 4th when my brother-in-law and my future sister-in-law get married. I am Matron of Honor and cannot wait to put that dress on now. This is good motivation for me. I will let you know how it goes!!

1 comment:

Aaron Cunningham said...

I had forgotten I had this one of your blogs here in my Bloglines. :)

Welcome back. :)

Val had the similar situation with gestational diabetes. She only gained 4 pounds (I think) and lost about 20. Learning the portion control, etc. is part of what jumpstarted our progress last year.

You know, something like the 100 pushups challenge and/or the 200 situps challenge might be good, and it wouldn't require the time/management commitment running does.

Keep up the diet/lifestyle change, and keep us updated.