Counting to 300 Hours of Exercise in 2012!!

Steps in 2012 (Goal: 5,490,000)

Monday, May 5, 2008

New Goal!

I have a brand new goal!

Our fair city has something called a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Because it is usually just our little family for Thanksgiving, I can make this race a goal of mine. It is a 5 mile race, a little more than a 5K and a little less than a 10K. I am still looking for another 5K between now and Thanksgiving.

I have been running in an effort to increase my speed. Every week I am going to bump my 5K speed .2 mph. I want to get to 6mph.

Happy Running!


Aaron Cunningham said...

That 8K/5mile discnace should be a nice intermediate goal before you get to the 10K.

Gook luck with increasing your speed. I think it's just getting more miles on your legs, and learning what 'hard' feels like, so you know what to shoot for when you need to. (For me it's feeling my abs start to get tired/sore)

Gretchen said...

Can't even imagine running that far! Good luck!